Beautiful pictures 1080x2280 with ratio of 19:9 (selection №6)
Our team has prepared a new selection of beautiful images for screens with a resolution of 1080x2280 pixels. These wallpapers are designed for phones with a 19:9 aspect ratio display. The assembly contains 38 images on different topics, for example: cars, landscapes with beautiful sunsets, animals, illustrations, flowers and nature. Choose what you like and set this picture as a screensaver on your favorite smartphone. You can download the provided backgrounds one by one from the cloud storage or download all wallpapers 1080 by 2280 in one archive.
Resolution: 1080x2280 | Format: JPG | Number of pictures: 38 pcs
If you don't like some of the 1080x2280 pictures or you want certain categories to appear in our collections, write it in the comments. We will definitely include your wishes in other editions of our collections with intros