Pictures WXGA sized 768x1280 pixels (selection №18)

768x1280 pixels WXGA images (collection #18)

At this platform, you have the opportunity to select an exclusive image for your smartphone's screensaver, suitable for a resolution of 768x1280 pixels. All available wallpapers come in a high-definition WXGA format. This compilation offers a range of pictures, such as animal portraits, distinctive landscapes, automotive themes, female portraits, vibrant abstracts, and urban landscapes. Every screensaver displayed on this webpage is downloadable through a direct link and, most significantly, devoid of any advertisements.

Resolution: 768x1280 | Format: JPG | Number of pictures: 45 pcs

768x1280 pixels WXGA images (collection #18)

Archive format:
Number of wallpapers:
45 pieces

vertical pictures for phone/smartphones with HD screen
Download Type
single-piece download from the cloud or a zip archive of an entire collection
Previous parts

WXGA pictures 768x1280 (13 Mb):

Download wallpapers and pictures 768x1280 for smartphone

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If the selection of wallpapers for the screen saver 768x1280 (which includes 45 pictures and numbered #18) is not available or the file hosting link is not working - write a comment with your e-mail or other contacts, we will update the links and send them to you by mail. Thank you!

We will be grateful if you leave a comment or a wish for the pictures in this collection!