Pictures sized 480x854 pixels (selection №11)

Pictures sized 480x854 pixels (set #11)

A new selection of various images with a size of 480x854 pixels has been collected for download. If you own a mobile device with this permission, download this fresh wallpaper from our website and set it as a new wallpaper on your lock screen or menu. The selection contains pictures of nature, beautiful cars, anime, animals, food, color and other interesting topics.

Resolution: 480x854 | Format: JPG | Number of pictures: 45 pcs

Images 480x854 pixels (collection #11)


If you like some picture, but the resolution is not suitable for your smartphone, write in the comments.

  • Archive format: *.zip
  • Image format: *.jpg
  • Number of images in collection: 45 pieces
  • Compatibility: all mobile devices with a screen resolution of 480x854
  • Download: direct link from our server (without registration)

Download pictures 480x854 (7.27 Mb)

Download images 480x854


If the selection of wallpapers for the 480x854 screensaver (in this case, #11) is not available or the file sharing link is not working - write a comment with your e-mail or other contacts, we will update the links and send them to your email. Thank you!

We will be grateful if you leave a comment or a wish for the pictures in this collection!