Bright pictures for the screen 480x854 pixels (selection №7)
We offer you to download for free a new selection of bright and beautiful pictures with a resolution of 480x854 pixels. We have placed 85 wallpapers in the archive, which are collected from different topics, such as cars, nature, girls, animals, cities, abstractions and other categories. From our site, you can download this collection via a direct link and without registration
Resolution: 480x854 | Format: JPG | Number of pictures: 85 pcs
Here in the selection are pictures only with a size of 480x854 pixels. If you have a mobile device with a different resolution, go to the appropriate section with pictures.
- Archive format: *.zip
- Image format: *.jpg
- Number of wallpapers in the selection: 85 pieces
- Compatibility: all phones with 480x854 screen resolution
We will be grateful if you leave us a wish or feedback on the pictures in this collection!