Selection of wallpapers 19:9 with a resolution of 1080x2280 pixels №1

19:9 Wallpaper Selection 1080x2280 Pixel #1

We have a new 1080x2280 19:9 aspect ratio wallpaper for download that you can download on this page. All pictures are of good quality and are perfect as a fresh background on your phone's desktop. Here you will find wallpapers with cars (as without them), landscapes, beautiful girls, animals (especially cats) and other categories. All screensavers are available via a direct link as an archive or individual download.

Resolution: 1080x2280 | Format: JPG | Number of pictures: 25 pcs

19:9 Wallpaper Selection 1080x2280 Pixel #1

Archive format:
Number of wallpapers:
25 pieces
vertical screensavers wallpapers for phones with 19:9 display (Full HD+)
Download type
Piece download from the cloud or the zip archive of the FullHD+ collection

Download wallpapers 1080x2280 (14 Mb):

Download wallpapers and pictures 1080x2280 for smartphone

19:9 pictures by the piece:



If you don't like some of the 1080x2280 pictures or if you want certain topics to appear in our collections, write it in the comments. We will definitely make changes in the next releases of assemblies of Full HD+ screensavers on your phone

If you cannot download the archive or individual FullHD Plus wallpapers, please write your e-mail or other contact information and we will contact you